Sunday, May 08, 2005

They Rip You to Pieces

A strange 'mixed bag' kind of entry. The latest new from my corner of the world:

1) Andrew Lansley (Con) is now my MP. He is the shadow health secretary. There doesn't seem to be much choice in this country anymore. The political landscape has imploded. The Liberal Democrats aren't terribly 'liberal', the Conservatives left nothing to conserve and as for Labour - well, they appear to have abandoned their traditional support base all together. I voted Lib Dem, primarily on the basis of local issues. There was no point in voting Labour. They don't stand a chance in South Cambs. Anne Campbell lost Cambridge. The whole world is turning upside down.

2) Andy Lee (incidentally, despite my disclaimer, I haven't changed his name to protect his innocence because well, he is not innocent) received a five year suspended sentence for his attack on me and two police officers. Which means that he is still living below me. The police didn't tell me, Doug did. And as I was leaving who did I see but Andy Lee. Doug was standing right behind me. I turned and waved at him. I wanted to send a message to the Pseudo-Messiah that someone is on my side.

3) My Mentor is avoiding me. I think he promised more than he could possibly deliver.

4) I have received a letter from my Insurance Company (Royal Sun Alliance) stating that they are going to 'investigate my claim further'. Well, investigate away, sweethearts. I only have half the neighbourhood, half Cambs fire service and Doug as my witnesses. I researched them on the net and unearthed some rather disturbing information. Apparently they are in the habit of disputing claims atm because they are in financial trouble. Doubt my claim, my friend and you are calling me a liar. Call me a liar and that is defamation of character. And I (unlike many I have read about) will not back down.

5) The council refuse to hold an inquiry regarding the events on the night of the fire. I remember Jill saying, 'Maybe something good will come out of all this. Maybe they'll listen to their tenants in the future.' Looks like she was wrong on that one.

6) According to a simply delightful gentleman (who attends Christ Church College, Oxford) on a forum I frequent, I have 'manly features' and he's an expert on these things because he is/was a catalogue model. Yeah, sweetheart, and I'm the Queen of England. (He claims to be studying law, yet appears to be barely literate. I think the media may have a point when they talk about the 'dumbing down' of our education system). I'll have more to write about that particular forum in the next entry. Let's just say that some of the stuff that occurs on it is pretty disturbing. I'll include the full text of my Personal Messages. They're quite amusing although, I admit, I did wind this guy up. I wanted to see exactly how vicious he could be. I think I have been unofficially banned so I have nothing to lose.

7) I have an appointment to see a new psychiatrist. Let's hope we can get this mess that is my head sorted out. Dr. S. said he didn't blame me for losing faith in the medical profession after what I have been through. 'Girl, you have no faith in medicine.' Damn straight! The fire exacerbated my pyrophobia. At this very moment I can smell something burning.


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