Friday, August 12, 2005

May You Live In Interesting Times

Because of recent world events my life has seemed unworthy of recording. On that infamous Thursday (of the London bombings) I telephoned an old boyfriend who is doing post-doctoral research at KCL. He uses London transport a lot and I was concerned about him. 'There are seven million people in London,' he responded impatiently. 'What were the chances of my being caught up in those events.'

'Oh, screw you then,' I said and slammed the telephone down.

He rang later to apologise. So that's what you get for being concerned about people. I won't bother in future. Misanthropism has its advantages.

An ancient Chinese curse keeps whirling around in my head: 'May you live in interesting times.' I first encountered it in Susan Fromberg Schaeffer's Anya, a novel I read over and over again as a teenager. I found myself wondering on that day whether the internet is a blessing or a curse in times like these (or in any times for that matter) 2-D people I have never met (and I hope I never shall) queuing up to associate themselves with the tragedy. On every forum I visited the same thing was occurring...almost attention seeking really. Competing with one another for sympathy.


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