Monday, December 24, 2007
Names have been changed to protect the innocent
...And the Not So Innocent
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Louise, I'm so sorry. I know what a cat can mean in someone's life (I recently suffered a similar loss myself), and I can only begin to imagine what it can mean in yours. can you accept a heartily hug from a total stranger?
I haven't been here in a while, I am sorry to see that Bella has passed on. She was a lovely cat, and I am sorry your hurting so much. I have 3 cats that are all over 10 years old and they are my family, my children. I will be devastated, as well, when they pass. There are no words that I can think of that will take away the pain, I can only say I understand. I have said goodbye to several pets. Hang in there, time will ease the hurt.
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{{{Thank you, Farouche and Miz}}}
Thank you for the hugs and the empathy . It means more to me than I can say. I still haven't reconciled myself to the fact that she has gone and she won't be back. After a long walk I enter my house, expecting to be greeted by Bella as I open the door. I miss her heavy little body resting on my chest at night, I miss her plucking at my skirt when she wanted food. All those times she slipped in beside me and rubbed her face against mine All seemingly irretrievable but they live on in my head.
Again,thank you for offering solidity in a frighteningly ephemeral world.
Later, and this has meant more to me than any other gestures of empathy ever could.
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