Lost Cats and Schizoaffectve Disorder

I was ill last week but managed to avoid the nuthouse. Sometimes I think I'd rather commit suicide than go back there. I was told that I was 'neglecting myself' so I spent all week worrying that they would force me to go in. They didn't, of course. That's why I'm sitting here writing. (duh!) One doctor said I put together a compelling, articulate argument against being hospitalised. I can't even remember what I said. I am in a state of sheer terror at the thought of returning to hospital. My main problem is that I have co-morbid illnesses that are rarely seen in one person: schizoaffective disorder and bulimia (I started out as a purging anorectic - now why did I feel the need to tell you that?)
When I am treated for my illness at an eating disorders facility, they do nothing to alleviate symptoms of schizoaffective disorder - heightened mood, delusions etc. And when I am on an acute ward the psychosis is dealt with but not the bulimia. So, as you can imagine, I'm kind of difficult to treat. Now, I'm scared that if I alienate them they will abandon me. I've seen it happen. So, I am feeling isolated and afraid. I woke up this morning to find I had been crying in my sleep. I can do nothing but sit back and wait for it to pass. But its taking its own sweet time about it.
I wonder if cats have their very own Feline Grim Reaper.
Labels: aftermath, amateur psychology, Andrew, cats, feline, loss, pets, schizoaffective disorder
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