I left Doug's house at 7 am on a Sunday morning. Doug insisted upon accompanying me back to my flat. We bundled Bella into her basket and made our way across the green. I dreaded what I might find. As soon as we pulled open the front door we were almost overwhelmed by the stench of smoke. The water damage was mainly confined to the bedroom. A red-headed fire woman had spread tarpaulin over my bed. There were puddles of brown water on the clear plastic. Doug insisted upon helping me soak the water up with towels. Unfortunately, some of my stuff was damaged. I will contact my insurance company on Tuesday because, after all, we all know the world stops turning on a bank holiday weekend. Happy bloody Easter indeed. Bella, meanwhile, yowled for food. (Even though she had helped herself to her doggie host - Freddi's food.)
After Doug had left exhaustion overcame me. I shoved the tarpaulin aside and fell asleep immediately - with the comforting presence of Bella by my side.
After Doug had left exhaustion overcame me. I shoved the tarpaulin aside and fell asleep immediately - with the comforting presence of Bella by my side.
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