Sunday, October 16, 2005

Media Hysteria?

I see the media (or certain parts of it) are having great fun whipping people into a frenzy about Avian flu. And, as always, we are responding to this media hysteria like Pavlov's dogs, salivating over every headline. Yes, you've got it I am not over my addiction to Talksport. It's useful for those endless insomnia filled nights and, yes, I know there are more useful things I could be doing - reading the Bible, the Koran, the Torah. But I can't help it - I love listening to what Sylvia Plath called 'the Peanut Crunching Crowd'.

I am fairly lucky with infectious diseases. Maybe that 's because I don't get close enough to anyone to catch one. I have, however, persuaded Doug to get his flu jab this winter. He is obviously more vulnerable than I am.

Talksport presenters are still apoplectic about the proposed increase in the BBC license fee. I have to say that I'm a tad irritated myself. And if people like me, who are supporters of the BBC are upset then they really have lost the plot. I know it's better than Sky and I.T.V. but isn't anything? What are they doing with the money we're giving them already? What are they doing with all their overseas revenue? By the way, to all students out there, watch TV through your laptop. No one can prove you're not watching TV with your battery running.

Must go. Talksport's Charlie Wolfe is whining about the Satanic Left again.


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