Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Cold Fury

Needless to say, I, the super-procrastinator, have yet to march into Lloyds Bank or contact the Citizens' Advice Bureau. This is probably a good thing - cold fury is a much more effective weapon than hot rage. Incidentally the C.A.B. commissioned a report on the 'socially disenfranchised' (how cool does that sound? Like 'Outlaw') mentally ill and consumer issues. It can be found here.

I went to the pub and then on to an Indian restaurant with Daniel - a friend from hospital. It is a purely platonic friendship. He spoke of his family with a venom that startled me. He despises them and everything they stand for. They are, he claims, 'academic liberals' who have carved out a comfortable niche for themselves in British society (his words, not mine) but it is based on lies and hypocrisy. In reality they are conservative and narrow minded. This manifests itself in their lack of understanding of their son's mental illness. They resent him, I suppose, for being the only flaw in the picture of a perfect family. There are parallels with my own situation. (Although my family have never claimed to be perfect.)


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