Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I was supposed to go to church with D who is a Catholic convert and, as we all know, they are much more zealous than 'cradle Catholics'. Which was why I was disappointed when he rang and cancelled at the last minute. Catholicism still holds some attraction to me, it reminds me of childhood comforts. Yes, I know that's not its purpose. I think most people 'cherry pick' when it comes to religion. I know very few people who follow their religion precisely. The only people who seem to have a problem with my 'take what you need and leave the rest' approach are what I call 'militant atheists'. We didn't meet up for our daily pub crawl yesterday either. My liver is profoundly grateful.

I have yet to go to the Citizens' Advice Bureau about my issues with Royal and Sun Alliance. I have sent an email to their Complaints Department and, as yet, I have not received a response. People keep telling me not to give up but all they can offer is moral support. I have also not received the promised report on my neighbour from hell upstairs. That fire really did disrupt my life and I need to resolve it before I can move on.


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