Burying Someone is One Thing...
Dancing on their grave is quite another: http://streamsofutternonsense.blogspot.com/
And, yes, I'm posting on this issue again. So, sue me. (Oops maybe I shouldn't have said that. They probably will.)
In response to this, from Wombat Blogger:
'Although few have any sympathy with a seriously ill person at the centre of events, the fact is that the pattern of harassment and abuse that is much more serious than some realise, is likely to continue until proper medical help is offered and accepted.'
So, you acknowledge that she is ill? How very charitable of you. Please tell me how all this is supposed to help. I know of no doctor who would reccommend this course of action.
Just one more thing. This little nugget of wisdom was left on Ms. Lowde's blog by an individual known as 'Jailhouse Lawyer'. (respected and admired by some of you - I'm told I shouldn't judge you collectively but I can do little else as I don't know who you are.):
''Glad to hear that you are homeless. I am sure that men will give you a bed for the night in return for your sexual favours.'
'So, not only have you lost your head you have lost your house. LOL.'
Do you condemn it?
A 'yes' or 'no' will suffice.
The middle class liberal elite, just as vicious and merciless in their way as their working class counterparts who persecute paediatricians because their favourite newspaper tells them to hunt down paedophiles, only worse, much worse because they think they are superior.
And, yes, I'm posting on this issue again. So, sue me. (Oops maybe I shouldn't have said that. They probably will.)
In response to this, from Wombat Blogger:
'Although few have any sympathy with a seriously ill person at the centre of events, the fact is that the pattern of harassment and abuse that is much more serious than some realise, is likely to continue until proper medical help is offered and accepted.'
So, you acknowledge that she is ill? How very charitable of you. Please tell me how all this is supposed to help. I know of no doctor who would reccommend this course of action.
Just one more thing. This little nugget of wisdom was left on Ms. Lowde's blog by an individual known as 'Jailhouse Lawyer'. (respected and admired by some of you - I'm told I shouldn't judge you collectively but I can do little else as I don't know who you are.):
''Glad to hear that you are homeless. I am sure that men will give you a bed for the night in return for your sexual favours.'
'So, not only have you lost your head you have lost your house. LOL.'
Do you condemn it?
A 'yes' or 'no' will suffice.
The middle class liberal elite, just as vicious and merciless in their way as their working class counterparts who persecute paediatricians because their favourite newspaper tells them to hunt down paedophiles, only worse, much worse because they think they are superior.
Labels: aftermath, bigotry, collective madness, fuckwits, hypocrisy, mental illness, nauseating middle class hypocrisy
One comment on one blog - put through by FJL - and you condemn everyone else commenting on a toally different blog?
Strange.And how do you know all the people commenting are 'middle class elite'? You don't know anything about them. You don't even know if they condemn that comment. In fact several have said they don't condone it and do condemn it.
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I saw similar comments on JHL's own blog (or 'portal). Now I didn't think Felicity Jane Lowde is\ was all that technologically savvy but maybe she tunnelled her way into JHL's Blog and planted them herself. Oh...my...God.
You are missing the point: JHL left a comment on FJL's blog. FJL chose to put it through. It wasn;t nice. Blogger Clairwil ( who FJL had a ding dong with) even wrote a post saying so. SEveral posters on the thread on the blog 'utter nonsense ' to which you refer have also said so. You don't know of they are middle calss eliites or working class mobs or ex prisoners or aristocracy, whether they live in the UK, are male or female, black or white or asian, gay or straight, religious or not, Labour or Tory or ...anything. You don't know anything about them apart form what they write, individually.
And yet you 've decided they are all middle class and dancing on FJL's grave, which is odd, as she isn't dead. She's just had her blog deleted by Blogger, in a very unusual move, and it was deleted because it was full of the most unspeakably vile and vicious and lying allegations about people, that she had posted and posted, for almost a year.
I really don't know why you are so on this woman's side. She was thrown in jail by a Judge, not a group of bloggers. Her blog was removed by the legal department of a huge US company that almost never deletes blogs unless they are really, really offensive.
Get over yourself.
And yet
The middle class liberal elite, just as vicious and merciless, in their way, as their working class counterparts who persecute paediatricians because their favourite newspaper tells them to hunt down paedophiles, only worse, much worse because they think they are superior
FJL is as middle class as they come. Educated at a private Oxford Girls school, father a scientist, uncle a professor. She's extremely vicious and merciless and she persecutes people. I suppose that proves your point, such as it is, that middle class people can be vicious etc.
Middle class elite?
My, you *are* insecure, aren't you?
Insecure? No, not any more.
anonymous @ 5:34:
And yet you 've decided they are all middle class and dancing on FJL's grave, which is odd, as she isn't dead.
Dear God! Look up the word 'metaphor'.
I know who you are, btw. You leave a pretty distinctive linguistic footprint.
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