High on Coke

Freddi (Nobby's dog) is ill. Her breathing is shallow and she is subdued. She will be taking a trip to the dog doctor tomorrow. I managed to sooth her by stroking her gently as she lay at my feet. I have come to love her almost as though she is my own. Listening to Nelly Fertado's Why do All Good Things Come to an End? : flames to dust/Lovers to Friends/Why do all good things come to an end? I ask why things come to an end, maybe it would be more productive to ask when and why things begin.
Diet coke really isn't a good substitute for food, but then I expect most sensible people knew that already.
Labels: animals, coke addict, dog, Freddi, mental illness, Nelly Fertado, pet, vets
frivolous comment:
I love the way your hair frame your sad beautiful face in this picture and in the previous one. and I'd love to tell your eyes something - they look like they've been crying far more than their share of tears - but I don't know what to say. words seem so useless sometimes
That's a really sweet thing to say. Thank you. I am horribly self-indulgent sometimes.
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