Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Brutality of Bureaucracy

I have been accused of fraud by an insurance company I have been paying into without fail for the last ten years. Here is what the Royal Sun Alliance have to say:

There is a principle underlying all insurance contracts - it is the continuing duty of 'utmost good faith'*. This required honesty and openness on the part of both policy and policyholder. It is clear that you have not complied with this principle in the manner in which you have submitted that claim to us**

Our underwriters take a very serious view of such matters and, so as a result, they are not prepared to continue providing cover. Your policy is, therefore, void from the date of your claim, 26 March 2005***. This means that cover was not operative at the time of your loss and we are unable to consider your claim.

*I have exhibited nothing but good faith throughout, ensuring I had a witness at every turn and simply following instructions issued to me by them. (the underwriters).

**What 'manner'? I did as the council suggested.

***The 26th March was before the fire - a mistake with the date there methinks.

They will not get away with treating me in such a brutal and inhumane fashion. I have made an appointment with the Citizens' Advice Bureau and will contact as many consumer advice people as I can. In the meantime, I need emergency insurance and I shall insist that the council provides this. I will not be ground down by 'The Machine'.

I rang that Great Radio Station: Sky's very own Talksport after one of its presenters, Charlie Wolfe, suggested that most 'poor' people are 'stupid'. I tried to tell him to check out Thomas Chatterton and Van Gogh but his show is more of a monologue than a 'talk show' so I barely got a word in edgeways (or edgewise, as the Americans say, for reasons best known to themselves). However, I did manage to establish that he's not exactly a walking thesaurus. He's very bitter about the BBC. He was probably rejected by them at some time during his great journalistic career. By the way, nobody I know has heard of him.


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