Thursday, October 06, 2005

Lost Keys

Every time I go out with anyone connected to Andy Lee it always ends up in disaster. I had a wonderful time with D.M. last night. I met D.M. in hospital in the mid nineties. He is strictly a friend. Nothing more. But I suspect deep within him there is still a glimmer of hope. We got very drunk (something I don't do often, as I hate losing control.) D, is not the most tactful of people and suggested that I should employ a cleaner for my flat. In fact, he mentioned in to one of his friends in The Globe and she said she'd be around on Wednesday at 3.00. I was insulted but managed to hide it. We got home and D left. When I woke up in the morning I could not find my keys. Now these are an huge, jangling set of keys. I panicked and phoned David who said he hadn't seen where I had put them. He then rang back sounding concerned: 'Perhaps you should ring the locksmith and get the locks refitted. It's only about fifty quid.' It turned out to be £140 but I am calm now. All sorts of mad thoughts flashed through my brain - everyone was conspiring against me. The universe is not my friend.

My near heart-attack was off-set by the fact that I now have a new desktop Acer Pentium 4 with a monitor that doesn't occupy my entire desk. It was Lisa's old computer. My mother has insisted on paying something for it.

Lisa and I have arranged to meet next Friday.


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