Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Brief Encounter

I had a not so pleasant brief encounter with the pseudo-messiah. I was at the bottom of the stairwell outside my flat when he stepped out of his front door. His head was bowed but I could still see his malevolent eyes. His hands were stuffed deep into the pockets of his hooded top. It appals me that he still has the power to unnerve me. We did not speak. The result, I’m afraid, was a rather large B/P session. I intend to eat healthily from now on. The Zyprexa has caused quite a lot of weight gain and I am finding this heavy cow-like state unbearable. The temptation, of course, is to stop eating altogether or to subsist only on diet coke, water and low fat wafers but , in the long term, this is not only unhealthy but it may lead to yet more B.P. sessions.

The Pseudo-Messiah ruined what was a reasonably productive day. (Or rather, I let him ruin it.) I have started Christmas shopping. I bought two Piggy banks from M&S food hall although, admittedly, one of them was for me. He is now installed snugly on the top of my TV. Expect a photograph of my new toy soon. When my mother rang over the weekend she said that she missed buying toys for my brother and I. (Although I usually get teddy bears etc). Shopping is such fun. I think I may have a genetic pre-disposition to Shopaholism. I also splashed out on the new Kate Bush C.D.: ‘Aerial’.. I simply could not resist it. I have waited for twelve years. I have to say I’m not overwhelmed by its sheer brilliance thus far but then an album of the calibre of ‘Hounds of Love’ is a hard act to follow.

Expect a detailed review very soon.


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