Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Carcass of a Metroplis

Orange flames flickering, flickering
And warlords bickering, bickering
Shall I go and fetch the king?
At once a response, brutal, swift
We mutilate the bodies of deposed despots

Beaten, beaten, beaten and split
Into two. No mercy for deserters
This is the carcass of a once great metropolis
Wild shadows hurl themselves to the ground
Then drown without a sound

They turn to dust
These black winds, they suffocate
The border guards lie in wait
And I am a foreigner here. I am their enemy
And they keep me near.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Apathy Is Me

There are only so many ways to describe apathy.

I see the fragrant Ms. Shetty is to run in the London Marathon. And there I was hoping she would burst upon our TV screens, simply dazzling us with her talent whule compelling TV producers to create intricate drama woven around complex characters. Well, one can dream. Instead Ms. Shetty is following in the footsteps of someone she despises - Ms. Goody.

I ate a little more than I intended to thanks to my World War 2 veteren neighbour: Doug. He had gone out specially to buy me a vegetarian bakebite. I was grateful for the effort so I savoured every bite. He really is a compulsive food-pusher. He'll be standing outside school
gates plying its pupils with fattening food before long. I stayed all morning until my doctor's appointnment. I read the Mirror aloud to him, interspersing it with snide comments of my own. 'How can you buy thisthing?' He said it used to be a socialist paper.

I said 'Not any more. It's just a celebrity obsessed rag!' Anyway, we had the most fun ripping Tony Parson's column apart. All those words and I still don't get what he stands for.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Deciphering the code
Sitting in lines, these women
Impose order on chaos, redefine lines
And dots and dashes. Elegant shapes
Emerge and then converge

They do not speak
They sit in silence for they come
From disparate worlds, marooned here
Presided over by daemons
In the shape of fear

Of invasion. Sheltered
From the storm only by the delicate
And intricate work they perform
In this great country house amid the heady
Scent of tea-roses and jasmine.

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