Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Originally uploaded by briekitty.

Inhaling Anaesthetic

Inhaling anaesthetic
Let's have no more talk of death
The doctor said

And in my head
I inhabit
The palace of the pale people
Egos clash and swords flash
I flinch in the spotlight
Exuding a brittle facade
Oh, how well I know myself
And the needle slips
Smoothly into that vein

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Here I am again. Summer is over and time marches on. I have 'come of age ' according to biblical standards. And yet again I have pressed the pause button and delayed a part of my life. I cannot afford to meet my share of the funding for my post-grad UEA course. I do not have the strength to commute from Cambridge to Norwich (that's only an hour's journey btw which tells you something about my physical and mental stamina atm. Off outside to shoot myself.) I have deferred for a year. I have let a whole multitude of people down. They don't even try to hide their disappointment. Lowered eyelids and downturned mouths greet me when I tell them the tragic news. Giving me an overwhelming urge to slap the faces off them.

On the bright side the NHS have finally found a psychiatrist who specialises in EDs and childhood trauma to take on my case. She is highly renowned in her field. Ooh, aren't I special. (*Rollseyes*)

Friday, August 19, 2005

Aaron's Cottage

A's Cottage
Originally uploaded by louisemills.

This season's
Supermodels on the march
The catwalk is their battlefield
Pursued by the paperazi
Prey and predators
Haunting and haunted
Butterflies gathering
Pouting at the camera
Plastered over the pages
Of fashion magazines
Bug-eyed and brazen,
They embed themselves
In my mind

I struggle to evict them
From my thoughts
We capture them in profile
Against the purity
Of a snow-white background
They make love to the media
Sauntering, soulful
Plastic dolls, manufactured
In their image
Worshipped liked Goddesses
Fragile and frigid
Their implosion
Coincides with my own.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


This site makes me laugh. Yes, there are a few gems on there but it's about as 'deviant' as aftenoon tea (and don't mean opium tea).

Pseudo-Marxists make me laugh.

A'level results make me laugh.

Everything makes me laugh nowadays. And yes, that includes you, God. And the species you were idiotic enough to create: humanity.

Friday, August 12, 2005

New skirt

Originally uploaded by rielouise.

Savage Summer

The summer savages me
And I await September
And something of much

Gathers around me
Transfixed by explosions
From the other side
Of the world

Screaming within
Scrawled across the skin
And I feel
The breath of a living God

Like an abandoned city
I crumble, saturated
With fresh blood
I am embraced, then eradicated

May You Live In Interesting Times

Because of recent world events my life has seemed unworthy of recording. On that infamous Thursday (of the London bombings) I telephoned an old boyfriend who is doing post-doctoral research at KCL. He uses London transport a lot and I was concerned about him. 'There are seven million people in London,' he responded impatiently. 'What were the chances of my being caught up in those events.'

'Oh, screw you then,' I said and slammed the telephone down.

He rang later to apologise. So that's what you get for being concerned about people. I won't bother in future. Misanthropism has its advantages.

An ancient Chinese curse keeps whirling around in my head: 'May you live in interesting times.' I first encountered it in Susan Fromberg Schaeffer's Anya, a novel I read over and over again as a teenager. I found myself wondering on that day whether the internet is a blessing or a curse in times like these (or in any times for that matter) 2-D people I have never met (and I hope I never shall) queuing up to associate themselves with the tragedy. On every forum I visited the same thing was occurring...almost attention seeking really. Competing with one another for sympathy.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Remember, we were all little girls once.

And perhaps we still are....

Aftermath of Domestic Warfare

There is a dark bruise
Beneath the eye
But not a word is spoken
And the patten is unbroken

The new day dawns.
Birds begin to sing
And we pretend
That nothing's happening

No great revelation here

A lobster plunged into boiling water
Hear its long-drawn out scream
And the expected dinner part guests
Will, I'm sure, be most impressed.

I Have Found it...

Passed frm pillar to post once too often:

For the record the following is form Lyttle's Mental Health and Disorder (Second Edition):

Gender issues:

lthough studies of the long term mentally ill show little proportional differences between male and female patients, admissions to mental hospital as a whole show highest numbers of unmarried men and married women. In further analysis of hospital admissions as a whole women have been found to have to come into contact with psychiatric services later; and are diagnosed later (Test and Berlin, 1981; Bachrach, 1984b; 1985) This may be due to an absense of pathology, later diagnosis or a better prognosis, but in discissing the research result, the authors speculate that it is possibly due to society having lower experctations of women, perceiving their role as inferior and more submissive


Perkins (1991) concludes from a srudy she conducted in London which reveals that women were underepresented amongst those receiving a higher level of input from the services. Perkins and Rowland (1991) concludes that the stereotyping of women as passive, emotional and childlike tends to deprive them of access to the care that they need. Social providors need not only be aware of these issues, but to look to effective ways of ensuring that they do no follow these plans. (p.399)