Monday, October 31, 2005
Never Enough
And the screen goes blank and the world fades
Reduced to the austerity of a bleak black
Desert landscape in which bombs have been tested
Memories vaporised, reduced to nothingness
Those long afternoons of childhood are lost
Dry shimmering light dissipates and stars appear
And I worship them. They represent my voice
My multitudes of words. Marks of ink
On pale paper. They compensate for my sallow eyes
And broken wings and I am destroyed
By the solidity, by the magnitude of things
I pace the floor. I tried to fly
I tried to bid the earth goodbye
By I am bound to this planet by gravity
Words are not enough. They will never be enough
To liberate me…
Get Out of My Head
Well, they couldn't be more wrong.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
And I know, I know
I must get home
And all those books
Burning, burning
And the air raid sirens wail
And wail and wail
He gave his life to
Protect those books
Attacked by incendiaries
And high explosives
That dark cloud spreading
Across the sky and then the air
Is brimming over with light
And those bombs are let loose
And they fall, they fall
Another wave
Guided by fires already lit,
Beacons to their brothers
And paper burns, paper burns
Precious paper burns
And the train stops
It stops, it stops
We are at the heart
Of this conflagration
While American correspondents
In expensive hotels
Raise their glasses and say,
'The show must go on.'
Medication and Writer's Block
A little bit of politics, for a change. The case of George Galloway. I don't have much sympathy with his political stance. The way he toadied to Saddam Hussein and his murderous regime was quite nauseating. 'Sir, I salute your courage, your indefatigability.' I bet he regrets that line. It almost constituted treason in my very humble opinion. However, the vindictive manner in which he is being treated by the US Senate just because he embarrassed them is quite worrying.
Leave our Village Idiot alone. He may be an idiot but he's our idiot. What is it they say about absolute power corrupting absolutely?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
The Return
From a war
That seemed to last
A thousand years
And there is nothing left
Nothing left but debris
And then of course
There is me
And battle-scarred
With no identity
And my destiny
Has been stolen from me
Grounded once more
And this house
That stands before me
A picture
Of neglect and desolation
A neglected garden
With its old, gnarled oak
Colonised by rats
Their imperial paradise
Our very own
Occupying army
This house
Is empty and there
Is no one here to greet me
Only the rats
In their newly formed colony
Waging a miniature war
Of their own.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I have yet to go to the Citizens' Advice Bureau about my issues with Royal and Sun Alliance. I have sent an email to their Complaints Department and, as yet, I have not received a response. People keep telling me not to give up but all they can offer is moral support. I have also not received the promised report on my neighbour from hell upstairs. That fire really did disrupt my life and I need to resolve it before I can move on.
They have invaded, taken possession
They rouse me with twittering and the occasional shriek
The morning sun illuminates my eastward facing room
The bed before me graced with pale blue flowers
My head is twisted and confused
This heat makes me long for rain
For soft boots crunching upon winter snow
Or carving a path through autumn leaves
Or anchored down by a oppressive breeze
What ghost decided to desecrate my room?
What phantom decided to embed itself in the stone?
Each night something sinister stalks me
They come in pairs, one on each side
Captured by the blink of an eye
A flash of colour, a hint of a sigh
As midnight storm-sirens wail
And roof tiles clatter to the ground
And neighbours gather to gossip
Their boots crunching on gravel
Such a Small Act...
More insanity - leave Cherie Blair alone. Personally, I am completely indifferent to the woman because she is not an elected representative. Did the media pursue Dennis Thatcher in the fashion? Absolutely not. But then he was not born to be chained to the kitchen sink.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Nostalgia Bites
But my eyes are misted over with nostalgia
The decades have digested the hunger and the sorrow
And my past is a Utopia and you sit with me
Undoing that complicated cat’s cradle that are
The stories I tell you. My history, for they are
Permissible lies. A kind of comfort blanket
I wrap around myself. A land in which I was Queen
And I always played the role of heroine. Perpetually
At the centre of my own epic tales
And I despise
The pity in your eyes
That disbelieving smile playing around your lips
Why did you come? Why are you here?
I remember explosions, muffled by time,
Remote now, clattering deep within my head
Embedded, the pulsating ground rose up to greet me
Carnage without agony. Numbed now, I no longer feel
That venom toward the enemy. For every village
Has been wiped off the map. And death’s discharge
Is so distant now. And I wonder if it was
Really me who witness all those atrocities
And I wonder if they really happened
And your eyes
Those disbelieving eyes, cannot help me now
I am ancient and incapable. How could I
Have ever been young. And time ticks by
You have accepted the inevitability of my demise
And you wince and you turn away from the thought
That someday it will be you who will be sitting
Where I am sitting now, wondering
If I was ever really here at all.
I had a rather interesting conversation with a work colleague who said she resented the fact that families with children got tax credit and because she was married and childless, she was denied these perks. Strangely, although I have no children and have no intention of ever having any, I don't resent this. Surely, as that rather nauseating song says 'the children are our future'? But perhaps that's only certain children, from certain backgrounds, from a certain, dare I say, class?
Speaking of class, over to my favourite forum: 'Snobs Reunited' (not its real name) a young woman whose screenname is that of a classic Russian novel stated that she couldn't bring herself to become involved in a relationship with someone who is relatively less intelligent than herself. I asked what her definition of intelligence was and, of course, I got the standard 'Why three grade As at A'level, of course.' Oh, dear, ever heard of grade inflation, sweetie? That might explain her own results. Seriously though, that forum has a multitude of members who claim to be straight A students and yet their grammar, spelling and punctuation are atrocious. This young woman also fails to take into account the impact personal circumstances can have on one's academic performance - illness, abuse, alienation. The most intelligent, engaging, charming young woman I have ever met was inpatient with me and didn't have an A'level to her name. She had been sexually abused and had developed a serious eating disorder at the age of fourteen. Sadly, she is no longer a resident on this wonderful planet of ours.
Finally, a message to Royal and Sun Alliance: I will not give up.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Colouring the Night Bright
With stones and bricks and Molotov cocktails
We are the casualties of peace
Who long to live
In troubled regions
We are the moving dead
And we push against the thrust
Of authority. It is the thing
That gives our lives
Some meaning
We are born warriors
With no war to fight and peace
Is not good enough for us
We stand in crooked lines
And wait
For the battle to begin
And the dry heat of the fires
From the little war we started
Illuminates the frigid
Winter night
Birmingham Is a City Not a Village
Bashes head against wall. They live so far away from the area in which these riots are occurring that they may as well be living on another planet. So, people, I appreciate your concern but go and get yourselves a geography lesson. Okay?
One more thing: Does anyone have any tips on dealing with old and cranky cats?
Sunday, October 23, 2005
The Landlady
Stand on the shelves of my skinflint landlady’s larder
Rounded, corpulent. There is meat on those bones
But a granite heart beats within
Cold as the iced-over mill pond
And in my cobwebbed attic room
Hunger pursues me by night and by day
Menacing, predatory, preparing to pounce
And I gaze out at the slate-grey rooftops
I will not dine tonight
I hear the dinner guests gathering, gossiping,
I hear the crunch of their boots on gravel
And the stench of hotpot floats up the stairs
I hear her carry the pot to the table
Heavy footed.
They sit down to eat. And minute by minute
I waste away. Starvation is a slow
And agonising process. A great colossus
Pressing me to the ground
As I walk alone.
'She is a peculiar girl!'
Their voices rising, rising
And I will not sit at her table
I will not partake of her feast
Instead I sleep
And sleep and sleep...…
Although I was born on the Isle of Wight, I was raised in Birmingham. I cannot ascertain exactly what has happened tonight. Apparently, there have been riots on the street. Further investigation reveals that it is in an area I am ashamed to say I have never even set foot in. Strangely I've never noticed how segregated Birmingham is, in terms of race and class. And, of course, there was a kind of selfish relief that it occurred far away from the areas in which my parents live. Birmingham is not treated like the sprawling metropolis it is. It is the UK's second city - almost as big as London. In comparison, Cambridge is a village - which is probably why I love it so much.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Waltzing Round the Edge of the World
On these long summer days, bereft of rain
Listening to the lies broadcast over the radio
About some distant war in some far off land
Between peoples I can never hope to understand
Rocking back and forth, protected, sheltered
Or maybe imprisoned within these magnolia-
Coated walls. And outside the cats they call
How those Toms yowl! How those Queens howl!
And that tower of lies collapses in on itself
And I rise from my chair and I dance,
Waltzing around the edge of the world.
Dead Comrades
I can't do anything to stop this. I can only listen.
This illustrates how, when it comes to dealing with cruelty to animals, the law is pitifully inadequate. Don't look if you're squeamish. My initial reaction was: 'Give me five minutes in a room with one of those people, accompanied by a clawhammer'. Okay, not very civilised, I admit. I just want to know why. I don't understand and I'm not sure I want to.
In the meantime, my hometown - Birmingham (England, not Alabama) has been voted the most miserable city in the UK. I can't say I'm surprised. That city went downhill without the benefit of my presence. ;-)
Thursday, October 20, 2005
And I stalk the decks
Of this great ship
As it surges through
Froth topped waves
And I feel
Some watery spirit
Eyeing me, stalking me
Someone who drowned
When a vessel was dragged down
Into the blue-green garden
Beneath my feet
And my eye
Like a camera shutter
Snaps its black shadow
and whipped by the wind
I am wild
I have summoned up the dead
I have sinned.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Political Agnosticism
This should be preceded a sharp intake of breath. And people will turn and look at you in shock when you utter these words, uncertain of how to respond. I think I identified this condition in a previous entry: polarisation complex. Left or right - you have to align yourself to one end of the political spectrum or there is something missing from your world, a yawning gap in your personality. And that's one less insult they can throw at you: you are neither from the loony left or the rabid right. Sorry sweetie, I have distanced myself from the whole process. I'll go outside and shoot myself. I won't jump on the 'Bash Bush Bandwagon' but neither will I jump onto the 'Liberal? I ain't no stinking Liberal' bandwagon. (Although I am - according to the OED definition of the word). And given the amount of red wine I have consumed tonight, perhaps that's a good idea. I'd probably fall off.
And besides, they probably wouldn't want me on their bandwagon anyway. 'Hey you, get off a my bandwagon.'
Monday, October 17, 2005
Bleeding Dew
Dark green leaves bleed dew
Onto the flat, neat green lawn
The sword is pointed at my back
Unsheathed and the globe is a realm
Of endless connections and my face
Is a mask of blue ice. Cold,
So cold. There is a glacier between us
On the morning of your departure
And those eyes of venom
They spit at me
I chatter while the unenlightened masses
Breed and we indulge our greed
And we pass and we hiss
At those beggars on our doorstep
And you are one of them
But we will not let you in
And I suffocate in the sickening,
Thickening violet stench
And this was my sin
I dreamt I knew, I dreamt I grew
But I remained dwarf-like
I did not resist, I did not insist
I stayed in place
I failed to tear
This mask from my face
And you no longer lie in wait
And I am a caricature
Of what I was meant to be
Destined never to be free
Bella: A Tribute
Sunday, October 16, 2005
The Grin of Midwinter
And despondency drifts
Through my arteries, my cherished one
I hear the sound of my blood pumping, it resounds
Words exit like kisses from my mouth
And in my mind morality abounds, cleansed,
Purified, discrepancies identified. Emerging
From a steel heart. Making dresses, making coats
Catering for a dynasty
And my lips open and shut
Jewelled perfection with well-oiled hinges
But at my core is chaos
And my eyes are flashing.
Media Hysteria?
I am fairly lucky with infectious diseases. Maybe that 's because I don't get close enough to anyone to catch one. I have, however, persuaded Doug to get his flu jab this winter. He is obviously more vulnerable than I am.
Talksport presenters are still apoplectic about the proposed increase in the BBC license fee. I have to say that I'm a tad irritated myself. And if people like me, who are supporters of the BBC are upset then they really have lost the plot. I know it's better than Sky and I.T.V. but isn't anything? What are they doing with the money we're giving them already? What are they doing with all their overseas revenue? By the way, to all students out there, watch TV through your laptop. No one can prove you're not watching TV with your battery running.
Must go. Talksport's Charlie Wolfe is whining about the Satanic Left again.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
What Motivates Them?
Whose greedy hands reach out
Scrabbling, in the mud
For money, money
And yet more money
For land, land
And yet more land
Is that God's voice
Whispering in their ear
Or some mischievous daemon
Sent by Satan
To force our ship
Off its steady course
I ask them why
'Grow or die,'
Is their reply
But I know
And you know
We all know
That a country will never be enough,
A continent will never be enough
The whole world will never be enough
The Bath
I am dealing with Doug's wartime photograph collection. See last entry - he is wearing the helmet of a German P.O.W. More to come.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
This darkness becomes bitter
We fly, sledge-hammered
Through that furious air
Empty brown eyes wide,
Ravenous, imposing irritation
On twisted sheets. We wait
Until those birds awake at dawn
They tear the air with brazen talons
Pecking out the eyes of the dead
And our dreams flee
In the face of daylight
Grandeur is gone
Our wealth is snatched away
And that gold crown
Is redundant now.
Labels: creative writing, dreams, poetry
A Conspiracy?
There's something seriously amiss with this insurance business. I had a look at my diary entries from last March. When I hate that interview with that brown-suited automaton from Royal and Sun Alliance and there was one mistake I made: I voiced my suspicions about the woman who lives above me. I strongly suspect this had just a little to do with their decision to terminate my policy. I have been given some homework by my C.A.B. advisor - try to remember every little detail of that interview.
Fortunately, I'm a committed diarist.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Nobby at War

The inscription on the back reads:
CPL Clarke
49 Reccie Unit
Special Service
Combined Operations'
Something is Happening
Something is happening
And they have come to take her by the hand
And she names her daemons
All men, bearded and bereft of ideas
Moving through unlit halls
Sliding across marble floors
They reach the tavern
The bubbling gold liquid
In the glass
More beautiful than
All the colours in the artist's pallet
And they escape all consequences
For they are young barbarians
Mapping out inner wars
Within their minds
Cold Fury
I went to the pub and then on to an Indian restaurant with Daniel - a friend from hospital. It is a purely platonic friendship. He spoke of his family with a venom that startled me. He despises them and everything they stand for. They are, he claims, 'academic liberals' who have carved out a comfortable niche for themselves in British society (his words, not mine) but it is based on lies and hypocrisy. In reality they are conservative and narrow minded. This manifests itself in their lack of understanding of their son's mental illness. They resent him, I suppose, for being the only flaw in the picture of a perfect family. There are parallels with my own situation. (Although my family have never claimed to be perfect.)
Monday, October 10, 2005
Music Envelopes Me
I look up. The Stars remain
I won't let my story fade
I need to keep going
On this road
Did you think that I would fall?
Did you think that I would fail?
The sky fades, then emerges again
I cannot rely on reality
The world - it has betrayed me
Blame the Parents
This is my second night without sleep. I hope Little Miss Pyromaniac realises what she has done. I have drawn out a plan for next week. I am going to march into Lloyds Bank and demand an explanation for the way I am being treated. I'll chain myself to their railings if necessary. (Ooh, get me! What a good little Sufragette I would have made!) I want to speak to a human being, not an automaton. Is that too much to ask? I'll try to be coherent. I'll try to be calm. But it's kind of difficult when your brain feels like scrambled eggs.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Darkness Discharged
Or is it a kind of mockery
My ersatz mother beside me
Succumbs to slow decay
And we watch the war in the sky
For tomorrow we may die
But we are untouched by bomb or bullet
For we are not strategic targets
We are just weary travellers
Sailors home from the sea
Soldiers home from the war
And still my mother clings to me.
The World is Collapsing
And I have no insurance. Oh, come all ye burglars and arsonists. My stomach is twisting in on itself and the planet is sending out a message: 'You do not belong here!'
Saturday, October 08, 2005
A Childhood Holiday in Amsterdam
And cracks appear in the daylight
It is God smiling, Mother says
But then realpolitik storms in
And we lose all feeling
Emotions abandoned and we are all
Duped by scientists, by technocrats,
By bureaucrats. Monstrous
And Machiavellian and I am the one
Who tries to retain some kind
Of purity of mind but I agonise
All day, all night, pondering
The possibility of God's existence.
The Brutality of Bureaucracy
There is a principle underlying all insurance contracts - it is the continuing duty of 'utmost good faith'*. This required honesty and openness on the part of both policy and policyholder. It is clear that you have not complied with this principle in the manner in which you have submitted that claim to us**
Our underwriters take a very serious view of such matters and, so as a result, they are not prepared to continue providing cover. Your policy is, therefore, void from the date of your claim, 26 March 2005***. This means that cover was not operative at the time of your loss and we are unable to consider your claim.
*I have exhibited nothing but good faith throughout, ensuring I had a witness at every turn and simply following instructions issued to me by them. (the underwriters).
**What 'manner'? I did as the council suggested.
***The 26th March was before the fire - a mistake with the date there methinks.
They will not get away with treating me in such a brutal and inhumane fashion. I have made an appointment with the Citizens' Advice Bureau and will contact as many consumer advice people as I can. In the meantime, I need emergency insurance and I shall insist that the council provides this. I will not be ground down by 'The Machine'.
I rang that Great Radio Station: Sky's very own Talksport after one of its presenters, Charlie Wolfe, suggested that most 'poor' people are 'stupid'. I tried to tell him to check out Thomas Chatterton and Van Gogh but his show is more of a monologue than a 'talk show' so I barely got a word in edgeways (or edgewise, as the Americans say, for reasons best known to themselves). However, I did manage to establish that he's not exactly a walking thesaurus. He's very bitter about the BBC. He was probably rejected by them at some time during his great journalistic career. By the way, nobody I know has heard of him.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Spreading Inwards
Towards the heart
That diamond shaped lie
With the emerald at the centre
That cricifix hanging around my neck
Memories racing back
Home across the ice
An out of season bright-red flower
Makes the blue-black sky
Look bleak...
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Lost Keys
My near heart-attack was off-set by the fact that I now have a new desktop Acer Pentium 4 with a monitor that doesn't occupy my entire desk. It was Lisa's old computer. My mother has insisted on paying something for it.
Lisa and I have arranged to meet next Friday.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
High School Girls
Worshipped like movie stars
By the local boys
But our sweet, cherubic faces
Are now drawn, lined
Once athletic, now rotund
And memories
We were red-cheeked, laughing,
Exchanging Valentine kisses
But nobody calls anymore
And things change so fast
Is that a ghost, we ask
No, it's an old sheet flapping in the wind
And wisdom does not compensate.
Slowly Growing
I am re-connecting with friends. I saw Lisa over the weekend. She is giving (yes giving) me her old desktop. My current one is driven and associated with the pseudo-messiah (I bought it from him a few years ago when he impulsively decided that 'computers are evil' and that he did not wish to be a slave to technology. Anyway, it's so old, it's steam driven. I can't wait. I love new gadgets.